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Our objective is yours 

Votre besoin de développement produit


Our assets

  • Flexibility

  • Kindness

  • Reliability

  • Risk Reduction

  • Facilitator

  • Rapidity

  • Expertise

  • Cost Reduction



Our values

Commitment and proximityadaptability and creativity






Founder and President 
+33(0) 6 51 02 23 11

Founder of PB Solutions, she has a broad active network in local, national and international industries. Oriented business development, she drives the company's growth policy. She supports the development of PB Solutions on human values. Her experience, her dynamism and her capacity to meet challenges, guarantee the client a global support. Passionate of aeronautics, she is an amateur pilot.



Chief Operating Officer
 +33(0) 7 82 98 35 36

Flagship competence since the beginning of PB Solutions, he manages the global business and our key accounts in the automotive and aeronautical industries. As a unifying manager, clients and employees rely on his professionalism and loyalty.

Angélique Leserre

Angélique LESERRE

Accounting and Payroll Manager

In the company since the beginning of 2022, Angélique manages all the accounting and payroll activities of PB Solutions. His experience, professionalism and rigour are major assets for the smooth running of the administrative aspects of our company.




Business Manager
+33(0) 7 69 54 67 65

Fleurine is fully committed to the recruitment process, using her energy and expertise not only to find but also to supervise the company's future employees.
At the same time, she plays a crucial role in strengthening ties with our customers, by responding as effectively as possible to your needs in terms of services and recruitment.

Mathilde POTTIERMathilde POTTIER

Business Developper
 +33(0) 6 23 01 88 41

After a year focused on communication and recruitment, Mathilde continues the adventure by devoting herself to the development of the client portfolio and will continue to come as an addition to our recruitment team!

Raphaël NICQUE

Raphaël NICQUE

Chargé d'affaires

 +33(0) 6 25 70 30 09

The PB Solutions team also counts 30 field expert consultants, dispatched on our customers sites. The company promotes innovation, modernity and training. Each year, we receive trainees from bac + 2 to bac +5 in control management, HR, sales, communication and marketing.



Our Commitments

commitments to out customerscommitments to out employeesthe firm's policy



Our Offer

Engineering service : Our team of 24 employees is deployed on customer sites. For your one-off or regular needs, we offer engineering services, carried out by qualified experts. In provision of service, our employees can be hired by your company after six months of service without additional cost. We have a CIR approval in R & D which offers you a tax credit of 30% on our R & D Innovation services bills. Our employees are fully equipped with computers, software and phones as well as work clothes and safety equipments.

Resolutely focused on your global human resource issues, we strive to offer quality solutions with the required responsiveness. Our professionalism towards candidates helps to reinforce the seriousness of your employer image.

Recruitment : We work in Success Fee * on all our permanent or non permanent recruitments. Our pluridisciplinarity in different fields and sectors allows us to find the technical profile with the know-how you are looking for.

Guaranteed recruitment : guaranteed throughout the all candidate's probationary period. All-inclusive recruitment: candidate travel and announcements  are at our expense. Varied, local, national & international and kept up to date candidate network.

* Success Fee = to Success: fees charged only to the actual hiring of the candidate otherwise you owe us nothing.


Development :

Our central geographical position allows us to radiate on the hexagon and our proximity with Ile-de-France fully integrates us in Europe. Thanks to our customer base, PB Solutions is in the process of a double-digit growth every year.

Our strategy is based on the know-how of our consultants and on the knowledge of the industrial sectors. Our adaptability and our dynamism contribute to our success.

We strive to maintain the excellent quality of the relationship with our customers and employees. Thus leads us to hire new Collaborators every years !



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